The Environmental Activist year starts January 5, 2020
The Environmental Activist course runs January 5 – November 16, 2020 meeting on Sundays from 9:30-12:30 except holiday weekends. We will start each morning with a nature hike, followed by strategic planning sessions, and boots-on-the ground projects for social and environmental justice in the political arena. Includes guidance through the Wolf Journey Earth Conservation Courses with emphasis on Book VII – Trail of the Sustainable Citizen. Cost including personal guidance, books, workshops and all materials totals $1,975. Ask for password protected program details or jump straight to our simple registration process.
The Traditional Herbalist semester starts January 5, 2020
This part-time series meets on 20 Sundays from 1:30-4:30 between January 5 – May 17, 2020. Includes guidance through Wolf Journey Book II – Trail of the Traditional Herbalist. Cost including personal guidance, books, workshops and all materials totals $1,975. Ask for program details or jump straight to our simple registration process.
The Wilderness Survivor semester starts February 8, 2020
Our wilderness survival skills apprenticeship runs on Saturdays, February 8 – May 16, 2020 and includes participation in all weekend workshops plus guidance through Wolf Journey Book IV – Trail of the Survival Scout and more. Costs including instruction, books, workshops and materials total $1,975. Click here for program details or go straight to our simple registration process.
The Neighborhood Naturalist semester starts February 8, 2020
Our outdoor nature skills apprenticeship runs on Saturdays, February 8 – May 16, 2020 and includes participation in all weekend workshops plus plus guidance through the Wolf Journey Earth Conservation Courses with emphasis on Book I – Trail of the Neighborhood Naturalist. Costs including instruction, books, workshops and materials total $1,975. Click here for program details or go straight to our simple registration process.
In the meantime, check out our Full-Time Summer Residential Career Training Programs
The Earth Skills Teaching Apprenticeship has been our hallmark residential program since 1999 and is available for qualified participants who want to learn to teach wilderness skills in a fast-paced, outdoor setting. Our goal is to ensure that by the end of the summer you have the skillset necessary to work anywhere in the field of outdoor education.
The Blue Skye Farm Internship is a sustainable homesteading program with “permaculture” and entrepreneurial components. The goal is for you to practice cultivating the home environment in a way that benefits nature as well as humans. Certified by the Washington State Farm Internship Program, you’ll help run Blue Skye Farm, home of Wolf Camp and the Conservation College, growing and selling produce on site.
Coming Soon: The Wilderness Skills Training Intensive is our fundamental summer residential experience for young adults who want to focus soley on building their outdoor skills. It’s the fastest path to wilderness proficiency through an intensive array of earth skills. Our goal is to ensure that by the end of the summer you have the skills, knowledge and experience needed to thrive in any outdoor situation. $6,000 base tuition including all living expenses can be discounted for previous training, education, personal outdoor experience, and work-trade.
Future Apprenticeships TBA:
The Wildlife Tracker will be an animal research apprenticeship with an ethic of bird, mammal, insect, arachnid, reptile, amphibian, arthropod, fish and game conservation, and may be repeated for an additional semester to earn an Ethnozoologist Certification upon accreditation.
The Ancient Artisan will be a traditional skills apprenticeship with an ethic of cultural conservation, and may be repeated for an additional semester to earn Traditional Technologist certification upon accreditation.