Email us or call 425-248-0253 (extension 1 or 2) with any request. We keep your information absolutely private and will never share it.
Registration Process
To register, just call us with your credit card at 425-248-0253 ex 1 or 2, or use the PayPal link on your program description, or go directly to Zelle and sending payment to our email address as the recipient, typing the deposit amount you wish to make along with a note including your email address, date and theme of programs, your name and phone number and approximate age of participant. Please note that PayPal will provide us with your email address, but Zelle does not provide any contact information, so again, please include your contact information in the notes!
If a summer participant has not yet attended a camp with us, we also require completion of our registration form (make your own copy of our Google Doc form) for those who haven’t completed one in the past.
Mail-In Registration Option, Puyallup Home Office Address & Appointments: If registering by mail, please send a check deposit to our home office of Wolf Camp, 1026 14th St. SW, Puyallup WA 98371 with participant name(s), phone number, email address, age of any minors, and any allergies or health restrictions we should know about. During the academic year, we operate from our home office of Blue Skye Farm about 10 blocks west of the Washington State Fairgrounds, next to Clark’s Creek Park in the Puyallup Valley. Visits are by appointment only. Look for the number 1026 on our black mailbox and drive very slowly down the gravel driveway, out of respect for the yellow house we share it with. Park behind our little white farmhouse with blue shutter trim.
Refund Policy
Payments are not refundable unless we don’t accept your application. If you cancel for any reason, you may receive a full credit good through the following calendar year on appropriate and available programs listed on our schedule, although an additional deposit is needed to secure your spot in the future program. If a program you sign up for is canceled and not rescheduled at a time you can attend, you may receive a full refund except in cases of natural (weather, geologic, wildfire, etc.) disasters, epidemics, government shutdowns, conflicts or curfews, or other unforeseen emergencies making it unsafe for staff and/or attendees to reach or use program locations, in which case all payments made will be held by us without expiration date for your future use in appropriate/available programs of your choice. Reasons include the expenditure of funds (property rentals, advertising, materials, admin staff time, etc.) long before programs take place, i.e. deposits make it feasible for Wolf Camp to schedule programs in the first place, but our mutually understood agreement is that Wolf Camp will run the program at the safest available time in the future. Finally, no refund, nor credit, is given if a participant is asked to leave a program for inappropriateness as determined by our kids, youth and adult agreements for participation.
Summer Camps at Lake Sammamish: King County Day Camps usually take place at the Lake Sammamish State Park – Hans Jensen Group Camp, 4460 East Lake Sammamish Pkwy SE, Issaquah WA 98029 (no mail service, so send correspondence to our Puyallup home office address above) with hidden entrance across the street from the East Lake Sammamish Boat Launch. Look for a gravel driveway on the opposite (east) side of East Lake Sammamish Parkway, be careful turning in/out of traffic; use the roundabout a block to the north for safety. Sometimes we do use the main park area as well, so double-check your chosen camp description to be sure.
Overnight Camps near Mt. Rainier usually start and end at the Faith Baptist Church Campground, 28514 SR 706 East 98304, located 6.5 miles past Elbe WA and one mile before the town of Ashford on the road to Paradise on Mt. Rainier.
Workshops & Day Camps in Puyallup take place at our home office of Blue Skye Farm, 1026 14th St SW 98371, or next door at Clark’s Creek Park, 1700 12th Ave SW, or a couple miles away up at Camp Curran, 13220 50th Ave E 98446. Please see program pages for details.