June 18-23, 2023
Learn to prepare lessons of wilderness education, and practice teaching your lessons to youth and adults in the outdoors, using multiple approaches that work on a foundation of rock-solid risk-management.
The training will consist of skills listed in our Teaching Nature Professionally Sample Itinerary. as well as review of Wilderness First Aid, lesson planning, and risk management.
Course Availability:
Open for those enrolled in our Earth Skills Teaching Apprenticeship and CIT Mentoring programs. For a more relaxed week, adults and family members can join our Wilderness Skills Classes also taking place simultaneously at the park.
Course Instructors:
Patrick Wiley, M.S. with Kim & Chris Chisholm
Arrival, Departure, Directions & Transportation Options:
We offer arrival and departure options at the Lake Sammamish Hans Jensen Group Camp, the Puyallup Wolf Campus, Tacoma Bus/Amtrak, and SeaTac Airport. Details provided upon registration.
$750. To reserve your spot, make a $200 deposit and your balance will be due upon arrival. The only additional expenses you may incur for our courses are for travel and specific gear, although we have extras in case you can’t acquire something. You will also need to show you have health insurance, or check with us for recommendations on inexpensive temporary insurance if necessary.
Discounts: This course is discounted from the normal $800/wk tuition for all apprentices and CITs in 2019. It’s a one-time course fee no matter how many weeks you attend this summer and coming years as review/preparation for teaching in the future. Weekend stayovers are complimentary for self-sufficient adults, not including long-distance transportation.
Credit/Debit Card Registration Option: Just call us at 425-248-0253 and we will take your registration securely over the phone.
Check/Mail/Email Registration Option: Download our Microsoft Word or PDF Registration Form to your computer, fill out one per participant for whom we do not yet have a registration form on file (so not needed for returning campers) and send or email back to us. We also have a Bilingual Chinese-English Registration Form PDF or Word Doc. You can also send a check deposit payable to Wolf Camp, 1026 14th St. SW, Puyallup WA 98371 or fill out the registration form and pay deposits by calling with a credit card, or using paypal as described below.
Or Use PayPal to register online securely with a credit/debit card or via direct withdrawal from your bank account. Use the link below (might not be visible if you are using “reader view” on your phone or other device) or sign into paypal.com and “send money” to our email address: (we’ll get back to you with any additional information we may need)
Email us to be put on our our list for this program in the future. We always keep your information absolutely private, and will never share it.
Refund Policy: Payments are not refundable unless we don’t accept your application. If you cancel in advance of the program start time for any reason, you may receive a full credit good through the following calendar year on appropriate and available programs listed on our schedule, although an additional deposit may be required to secure your spot in the future program. If a program you sign up for is canceled and not rescheduled at a time you can attend, you may receive a full refund except in case of natural (weather, geologic, etc) disasters, government shutdowns, conflicts or curfews, or other unforeseen emergencies making it impossible for staff and/or attendees to reach or use program locations, in which case all payments made will be held by us without expiration date for your future use in appropriate/available programs of your choice. No refund, nor credit, is given if a participant is asked to leave a program for inappropriateness as determined by our kids, youth and adult agreements for participation.
Have you ever attended one of our programs before? Please review us on our Better Business Bureau, Yelp & Google pages.
Course Preparation: Agreements, Packing List and FAQ’s
Click here for our Expedition Agreements