Check out today’s live video (below) which begins with a quick review of yesterday’s animal tracking primer, then launches into the tricks of the trail as we follow fox, coyote, deer, elk and a couple other species which present themselves. It’s part of our “You Healthy? Go Outside!” Evening Broadcasts – Family Friendly Music & Earth Skills Activities with Kim & Chris Chisholm.
UPCOMING TOPICS: We encourage you to offer suggestions on Virtual Earth Skills Camp lessons and adventures you’d like us to broadcast in the coming. Our plans for the coming week include:
- Setting Up Small Solar Systems for $100
- From Greenhouse to Gardens
- Campfire Songs & Stories
- Depending on the duration of the social distancing era, we plan to launch the online version of the Wolf Journey Earth Conservation Course revealing each field exercise on daily live broadcasts, but only if we get to 1,000 subscribers on YouTube. We’ll keep broadcasting to our Wolf Camp Facebook page as a back-up, but will end broadcasts to Chris’ personal facebook page when YouTube subscriptions reach the 1,000 needed to live stream from phones/tablets in the field.