Wolf Journey Book Six – Trail of Environmental Ed features certificate goals of “earth skills and conservation education” on the path to becoming your local Environmental Educator.
Book Six of Wolf Journey is our Policy Manual for Earth Skills Students, Environmental Teachers and Outdoor Program Leaders. It aims to help you succeed with your studies, and it is also our policy manual for guiding outdoor educational programs, developed over 20 years and ready to share based on your budget and need.
It is our goal that the new “earth skills” field catch up to the professionalism attained over the past couple decades in the related outdoor adventure and environmental fields. Standards must be set before anyone gets seriously injured, and for our work to be accepted by mainstream society – the place we most need to affect outside of ourselves.
Wolf Journey Earth Conservation Courses
Wolf Journey course books consist of 20 chapters, each with four core study experiences that can be completed as a series of lessons to earn a conservation certificate in your area of interest.
Book One: The Neighborhood Naturalist (now available online for apprentices and alumni)
Book Two: The Traditional Herbalist (out of print)
Book Three: The Wildlife Tracker (out of print)
Book Four: The Survival Scout (out of print)
Book Five: The Sustainable Citizen (out of print)
Book Six: The Environmental Educator (now available online for apprentices and alumni)
The original books are being republished as online courses. Click here to send an email so we can notify you as we launch each book.