This week was the first day camp of the summer and also training week for instructors. The way that the week was set up was each instructor taught either one morning session or one afternoon session that week, while the other instructors observed in order to give feedback at the end of each day to help us learn how to be the most effective teachers we can be. The day camp was held Monday through Friday at Wolf Haven Wolf Sanctuary outside of Olympia. Wolf Haven has a very unique and rare mima mound oak prairie habitat that has been restored by hard workers clearing out the invasive scotch broom. How the mounds were formed is still a mystery. The prairie was growing beautifully with many flowers in bloom and much to offer in medicine and edibles. Lucky for me since the session I taught was on herbs and edibles.
This day camp was set up different than any other day camp at Wolf Camp because the kids were able to come for as many or as few days as they would like, where as with other day camps the kids would come for the whole week. We spent the week camping at Millersylvania State Park. Each evening after camp was spent discussing how we thought the day went and giving feedback to those who taught that day. Then we would go over teaching techniques, how the future camps would be run, and later in the week we did first aid scenario and lifeguard training.
I had a great week learning the flow of Wolf Camp and am very excited for the rest of the summer ahead.