Saturday, April 25, 2020 from 10:30-4:30 in Puyallup WA
Our Sustainable Home & Gardens Workshops provide you with skills and information needed to turn your own property into a sustainable wonderland, an environment that invites wildlife and provides food for friends, family, and neighbors.
Neighborhood & Household Food Production: This workshop demonstrates how we try to live as sustainably as possible on 1 acre, support neighborhood health by growing fruits, nuts and veggies, producing eggs and meat, enhancing wildlands through wetland and forest gardening practices, and retrofitting homes into energy efficient living and work spaces.
10:30 Permaculture Principles;
11:00 Permaculture Design Zones of Blue Skye Farm;
11:30 Property Design Tour including Zone 1 Appropriate Technologies of the Home; Zone 2 Herb Garden & Medicinal Plants; Zone 3 Composting System; Zone 4 Bioswale Rain Garden; Zone 5 North Side Forest & Wetlands;
12:15 Lunch Pot-Luck, Seed Exchange & Neighborhood Sharing Discussion;
1:00 Greenhouse & Garden Transplanting;
2:00 Growing In Pots: Fruits, Berries & Herbs;
3:00 Replacing Lawn With Gardens: Growing In Available Ground;
4:00 Herbal and Critter Forage for Healthy Chickens;
4:30 Questions & Closure
All workshops take place outdoors to help prevent the transmission of coronavirus and other communicable diseases. Bathroom facilities will be primitive, but we will have washing and sanitizing stations available for regular cleansing of hands, especially if using tools that may have been picked up by others earlier in the day. We also ask that you avoid touching your face or shaking hands with people outside your personal circle, and not attend events if you have a fever, cough or even a runny nose. Instructors will employ social distancing when helping students, and set-up for class will follows health department protocols with work stations separated by over a meter. Although the new coronavirus generally has less effect on younger people, that means the elderly and those with pulmonary or other issues should take additional precautions. Although open air settings reduce infection risks, once a virus has infected someone, cooler air can make infections worse, so our outdoor workshop settings are not appropriate for those who are sick with cold or flu symptoms. Check out our new blog articles related to the current situation and how it relates to our field of wilderness survival and emergency preparedness.
Cost & Registration

$75 general, or $65 per additional friend/family member registering together, with no one turned away for inability to pay if space is available.
Our weekend workshops are designed for adults, but youth are also welcome to register with an enrolled parent or guardian. To register:
Credit/Debit Card Registration Option: Just call us at 425-248-0253 and we will take your registration securely over the phone.
Check/Mail Registration Option: Send with a check payable to the Wolf College, 1026 14th St. SW, Puyallup WA 98371 with participant name(s), phone number, email address, age of any minors, and any allergies or health restrictions we should know about.
Or Use PayPal to register via secure online payment with a credit/debit card or via direct withdrawal from your bank account. Just sign into and “send money” to our email address.
Email us to be put on our our list for this program in the future. We always keep your information absolutely private, and will never share it.
Refund Policy: Deposits ($100 for day programs, $200 for overnight programs) are not refundable unless we don’t accept your application. If you cancel for any reason, you may receive a full credit good through the following calendar year on appropriate and available programs listed on our schedule, although an additional deposit is needed to secure your spot in the future program. If a program you sign up for is canceled and not rescheduled at a time you can attend, you may receive a full refund except in cases of natural (weather, geologic, wildfire, etc) disasters, pan-demics, government shutdowns, conflicts or curfews, or other unforeseen emergencies making it unsafe for staff and/or attendees to reach or use program locations, in which case all payments made will be held by us without expiration date for your future use in appropriate/available programs of your choice. Reasons include the expenditure of funds (property rentals, advertising, materials, admin staff time, etc.) long before programs take place, i.e. deposits make it feasible for Wolf Camp to schedule programs in the first place, but our mutually understood agreement is that Wolf Camp will run the program at the safest available time in the future. Finally, no refund, nor credit, is given if a participant is asked to leave a program for inappropriateness as determined by our kids, youth and adult agreements for participation.
Have you ever attended one of our programs before? Please review us on our Better Business Bureau, Facebook, Yelp & Google pages.
Preparation & Background:
Upon registration, we will email you driving directions and packing list. Although we have extra of the following items, do try to bring rubber boots and thick gardening gloves, as well as food for the day.
It is the Decade of Carbon here at the Conservation College as we focus on addressing climate change at the local level. Our goals are to 1) reduce personal carbon emissions by renovating our houses for energy conservation, plus changing our transportation means and habits; 2) sequestering as much carbon out of the atmosphere as possible by planting trees that take the greatest amount of carbon out of the atmosphere as possible, plus jumping on the anti-coal-train movement to help the northwest put a plug in coal consumption; and 3) educating the greatest number of friends, family and community members as possible about climate change, carbon footprint reduction, and carbon sequestration.
1) plant trees designed to sequester carbon out of the atmosphere, 2) plant fruit trees, berries and vegetables to provide our community with food, and 3) plant wetlands to mitigate pollution from rainwater runoff.
Questions: Throughout the workshop, we encourage questions, plus suggestions on future topics you’d like to learn or practice in this workshop series, with answers from experienced permaculturists in attendance, Chris offering experience from a childhood in nature and 20 years of professional experience, and Kim drawing from her historical connection to this land and her Wildlife Science degree as well as Permaculture Design Training.